09 October 2004

Jeber's Help Desk Forum - Index

A friend of mine's new forum.

Jeber's Help Desk Forum - Index


Well, it's getting close. I had my retirement ceremony on Thursday. The movers come in on Monday and the family and I leave the UK on the 23rd of October. I've been in the Air Force for over 20 years now and have enjoyed my time. But it's time to go and start a new life. I'll always be "in" the Air Force though. Lots of good people who do what many don't. It's been my privilege to serve. I won't be officially retired until 1 February 2005 but no more work for me. I've slept better the last few nights than I have in years. :-)

05 October 2004

USATODAY.com - The looming national benefit crisis

Here's a story about a very real threat to national security that neither party wants to tackle.

USATODAY.com - The looming national benefit crisis: "The looming national benefit crisis"

03 October 2004

magnum norwich 28th sept

Here's where and what I was doing last Tuesday night. It's always been my dream to see my favourite band live. I saw them last October at Magnumania which was awesome. But the Norwich show was my first full gig. I was as close to the stage as possible and wasn't disappointed. I saw them Friday night in London and it was just as awesome. What a way to finish up my time here in the UK. So let me just say thanks to Al, Mark, Harry, Tony and Bob for the fantastic show. Keep your nitelight burning!
magnum norwich 28th sept

02 October 2004

Yahoo! News - Ichiro Breaks Sisler's Season Hits Record

A bright spot in a bleak season for one of my favourite teams. Nice to see the record go to such a nice guy who really seems to appreciate what he does.

Yahoo! News - Ichiro Breaks Sisler's Season Hits Record