The moon is only half full but it is easier to shoot when it is that way.
Everyone's laughing but amateur photographer just trying to improve my skills and share the world around me.
26 July 2012
24 July 2012
Went to the local park in Troy Sunday looking for squirrels to photography. As I wandering around I spotted some exposed tree roots. I love the twists and turns so I took a few shots. They look better in b&w.
22 July 2012
Feeding Time
Haven't had much luck with hummingbirds this year until the last couple of days. Suddenly they've appeared and are quite hungry. This little one was buzzing around my head, and almost landed on the lens hood. But then she headed over to the feeder and I was able to get this shot off.
16 July 2012
Falling Down
Four of us from the photo club took a trip to East St. Louis Sunday morning to take some photos. So sad to see these old buildings in such decay. This was a grand city at one time.